the face behind @trailertrashbby

What's your name?
Leanne, you can call me princess Leanne, queen bitch, or just Leanne.

What made you venture into the Instagram world with this account?
I made my account back in 2014 and originally I just posted loads of generic photos (I thought I was cool, artsy and a good photographer) and the occasional photo of Anna Nicole Smith, very yawny and boring. So I had a little revamp last year and was totally inspired by @shesvague (read Erin's interview here:, @popculturediedin2009 and I remember this happened. I've always admired Paris, Britney and Lindsay. They were iconic women of my childhood so why not dedicate my Insta to them? 2000-2007 were the modern golden ages of Hollywood and I love being a part of reminding people of that!

What is your most pronounced characteristic?
How honest I am? I've been told I don't sugar coat things - which is why it probably always seems like I am moaning about things. I just don't like to bullshit things. Who's got time to keep people sweet, just say what you want.

Where would you like to live?
I've always loved the idea of living in the middle of the desert (I'd have to have wifi of course.) I would literally be in heaven because I'd just run around pretending I was in The Hills Have Eyes or something - minus the cannibalism!!!

What is your dream occupation?
Can you imagine me as a reality star because that would be the dream but I'm a boring bugger deep down so it wouldn't really work out but the dream would be just to have a job where the pay lasts me longer than the weekend.

What is your greatest indulgence?
Cheap celebrity perfumes and false nails so long I can't actually function daily.

Which historical figure do you most identify with?
Does Anna Nicole Smith count?? Seriously she was and still is a goddess. I truly find her inspiring because she didn't care and was just so fun and playful. She had an absolute heart of gold. I identify with all her ups and downs. She is just literally the vodka aunt I wish I had and aspire to be.

Which living person do you most admire?
Obviously my queen Paris, I really do idolise her so sooo much!! She has worked her arse off to own her own massive empire. I'm inspired by her work ethic and her sweet nature. Paris is the perfect example of not judging a book by its cover.

How would you describe your style?
The look of someone who is trying to keep things together mixed in with a lot of H&M.

What is your idea of perfect happiness?
Being able to go to the shops to buy loads of junk food in my dirty onesie and no eyebrows on without being judged by the locals.

Can you make a prediction about your life in exactly one year?
I'll be posting pictures of Paris Hilton and complaining about my life.

What's something you own that you truly cherish?
I don't own vintage or anything impressing but I do have a massive collection of fashion and music magazines that I would probably cry about if they got ruined. I am such a hoarder, don't be suprised if you see me on TLC in the years to come.

Any last words for your Instagram followers?
Never let anyone shit on your parade!!!!! Instagram has become my place to share what I like and how I feel regardless of what people think and everyone else should have that too!!!

- as told to @youxthculture

photos courtesy of @trailertrashbby
