the face behind @requiemroses

What's your name?
Sophia, though some people call me Bella. I can never decide which I like more.

What made you venture into the Instagram world with this account?

I've always had a passion for film and cinema, I grew up on the greats for which I am so incredibly lucky to have had. Ever since I can remember I have been obsessed with movies and I decided to create this place for myself as a way to become the extrovert I never was in real life and express myself. I wanted to share some great films with people. Of course, I'm just the messenger to these films but I love posting about them and my deep respect for them.

What is your most pronounced characteristic?
Possibly kindness, I try to be kind to everyone I encounter because everyone has their own struggles and if I could at least help one person in the world feel safe and cherished than I would have done my job as a human. Of course, if you wrong me I will not be as kind, though I will be civil. The kindness I give out expects it's own respect.

Where would you like to live?
I've thought about this many times, dreamt would be a more accurate word, but I could never settle for one place in the world to live as there are so many things that inspire and intrigue me. I would absolutely love to live in Brooklyn, at least for a little while. I would also move to central London because I adore England so much. Funnily enough, the weather is one of the things I love. I also dream of living somewhere completely off the grid but I guess that will always remain a dream. Somewhere like a small island without many people, just for the peace and harmony.

What is your dream occupation?
I can't settle for one because I've dreamt of so many. My main dream is to be a writer, I don't know what I will write, it could be anything, but, the dream part of it is that I will be so inspired that I push my mind to fill up blank pages with my thoughts. That in itself is a powerful thing to me. So I guess in the end my hobby is writing but my dream occupation is to be influential.

What is your greatest indulgence?
I love to walk in the rain with my earphones and my music on full volume. Something about it makes me happy, as if I'm in my own little world where nothing can hurt me.

Which historical figure do you most identify with?
This is difficult to answer because I've never fully identified with anyone. I've never seen myself in someone but I can identify with a little part of everyone. I can identify with the strength that Winona Ryder has had throughout her whole life, the humanitarian side of Leonardo DiCaprio and the lust for creativity in the modern world that directors such as Quentin Tarantino and Wes Anderson both hold.

Which living person do you most admire?
That's difficult to answer because I admire many people but they are mostly all dead. For living people I'm going to be cheesy and say my best friend. She really inspires me by how she carries on through all the difficult parts in her life and even though has her own struggles, she manages to be kind to those around her and still exude a special kind of purse love that I really look up to.

How would you describe your style?
Hmm, I would say it's very much music based with lots of band tees. I either wear something modest or completely reckless and revealing. Of course, I never go out anywhere without my leather (fake) jacket.

What is your idea of perfect happiness?
Well to me it is doing what I love, that may be writing, but, I could find another passion along the way. We are forever changing so I don't think I could tell you my concept of perfect happiness but I do know it comes with finding peace and harmony from the inside out, being in a safe place and feeling comfortable in my own life.

Can you make a prediction about your life in exactly one year?
I would still be in full time education but on my last couple of years before university. I don't usually think about the short term future as a realistic thing but I hope that I will be happy and I will be surrounded by the people who make me happy.

What's something you truly cherish?
My records definitely, I love them so much, they are like my own children. I'm very protective over them, vinyl just makes the music better. I can't imagine enjoying digital music more than vinyl. 

Any last words for your Instagram followers?
From the bottom of my heart, thank you. Honestly you are amazing. All of you are so supportive and kind to me it makes me feel like I deserve it. I wish I could give back all the kindness you have given me. remember if you ever want to talk, please, feel free to anytime about anything, day or night.

- as told to @youxthculture

photos courtesy of @requiemroses
