What is your name?
Ryan Allen
IG: @ryanallen
What made you venture into the Instagram world with this account?
I wanted a place where I could express all my different interests whether it be surfing, art, music, etc. Plus many of the things I like seem to be looked down upon by "normal people," But I know there are others who are like me so I thought I'd create a page where we can kind of share those interests without being ridiculed or judged by parents or whoever.
What is your most pronounced characteristic?
Hmm... being conflicted! I'm a health nut but half the time I still eat like crap, I want to travel and explore, but I find excuses as to why I can't, I'm super-self confident but also full of self-doubt, I'm outgoing and people like me but I'm also extremely shy and introverted. I can go on and on with examples, it's terrible.
Where would you like to live?
Southern California for sure! I was born and raised on the east coast in Jew Jersey but always visit family in California, I'd move there in a heartbeat!
What is your dream occupation?
Good question lol! Number one would be baseball but injuries halted that, so, probably a mix of photographer, writer and social media influencer!
What is your greatest indulgence?
The devil's lettuce! Don't tell the 5-0.
Which historical figure do you most identify with?
Hmm God? Lol I know! I guess I'd probably say someone like Steve Jobs. Just because he was so different in the way he thought about things. He was a visionary. I love that. 99% of people are trapped in this "reality' that's been created for them by the school system, the expectation to go to school and get a job, etc. The people who escape that trap and live lives that are so different from the norm are the ones that I look up to.
Which living person do you most admire?
I'm drawing a bit of a blank but I'll give an answer that will probably get me a lot of hate, Donald Trump. There are so many things he does that I don't like, however, the fact that he's so extremely confident in his own abilities that he'll just go out and do things that people would otherwise think is crazy is awesome to me. He's a little like Steve Jobs as well and I think you have to be like that to be successful. Unless you go the "normal" route and go to college and get a 9-5 office job, people will think you're crazy, or a bum, or a hippy or whatever, but it's those "crazy" ones who really become successful. If Trump or Jobs had listened to the advice of most parents and teachers and went and got a "normal" job, we wouldn't have Macs or iPhones... or 'The Apprentice'... lol.
How would you describe your style?
One word: Different.
What is your idea of perfect happiness?
My idea of perfect happiness is different for each and every person. We are taught that happiness is the same for everyone. You follow the rules, stay in school, get a degree, get a job, work your good years away and then (hopefully) you can retire and still have a couple of years to enjoy the money before you pass and leave it for the next generation, and then, you'll be happy. That's nonsense. I want to live in a shack in the woods, grow my food, and surf a lot. That's my idea of happiness.
- as told to
photos courtesy of @ryanallen and @disillusionedyouth
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