the face behind @90smilk

DISCLAIMER: The title font makes it look like it says @90smilf, it does not. Courtney's amazing account is called @90smilk

What's your name?
My name is Courtney, so basic.

What made you venture into the Instagram world with this account?
I actually discovered Instagram and the world of "aesthetic accounts" after watching Lolita, that was what initially inspired me. I thought it was so cool to own an account where you can post things you liked, enjoyed and were inspired by. 

Where would you like to live?
The answer to this changes so much, I'd love to live in Spain for a while and ultimately settle in Scotland.

What is your dream occupation?
I have so many dream occupations! The answer to this always changes too. But, at the moment, I'd love to be a teacher, ultimately for younger pupils, and that definitely ties in with my hopes to temporarily live in Spain because I'd love to teach there. I also really want to be able to improve my art and hopefully do something with that.

What is your greatest indulgence?
Eating. I love food. Also, fashion, two things I could go on and on about. 

Which historical figure you most identity with?
No one, to be honest. There's many I admire, but I wouldn't say I identity with them. 

Which living person do you most admire?
My mum, definitely. Her strength is admirable. 

How would you describe your style?
Hmm, I dont actually have the money to dress how I'd like to, I tend to fantasise about cool outfits but then wear the complete opposite and go for something simple. 

What is your idea of perfect happiness?
Being confident in the decisions I make, quality time with my family and travelling.

Can you make a prediction about your life in one year?
Hopefully happy, healthy and confident. Definitely studying harder!! 

What is something you own that you truly cherish?
It's hard to pick one thing. So I'd say my books and a teddy bear I was gifted by someone close to me. Also, my makeup! 

Any last words for you Instagram followers? 
Everyone's stressed about their future, careers and studying, myself included. Don't worry about the future because there's so many options. If you ever need someone to talk to, I want you guys to know, I am always here. 

- as told to @youxthculture

photos courtesy of @90smilk
